8 Simple Office Cleaning Tips

young woman wiping office table

8 Simple Office Cleaning Tips

By : Angelina

A clean work environment is a more productive environment. It will not only lift up your mood but also create a positive setting. A dirty office leaves a wrong impression on the clients and customers. A grimy office environment can hamper your business as well. If you work in a dirty place for an extended period, it can depreciate your efficiency automatically. Therefore, cleanliness of your workplace is necessary.

Living in healthy and hygienic surroundings is vital. Just like you keep your homes clean; keeping your offices unsoiled is equally important. Business owners and workers usually don’t pay much attention to the cleanliness of their offices. Due to this, when it comes to ending tenancy of the office space, it becomes stressful for them because of the dirty surroundings.

Your bond money can be at risk if you give back an unclean office to the estate agent. Fortunately, professional services are available for office cleaning in Brisbane. If you want a trustworthy and well priced commercial cleaning company, then hire Bond Cleaning in Brisbane. They will help in maintaining the appearance of the office, and your office will look new and bright again. Take a look and freshen up your office with just 8 simple cleaning tips:

1. Keep Your Electronics Dust-Free

Clean your electronics regularly. Computer and keyboards gather dust more than anything. People also eat during their work, and this makes the keyboards dirtier. Hence cleaning them correctly and regularly is essential. Take wipes made for electronics and clean your keyboard and monitors. Make it a habit of wiping down your monitor, keyboard and other electronics daily when you reach your office.

A bonus tip: Do not use wet wipes for computer screens Be careful when you wipe down your computer screens. Do not use wet wipes for it as it can damage the protective coating of the screens. The wet wipes contain alcohol. Hence using a proper gadget cleaner is better. You can use a soft towel or newspaper. However, using a microfiber cloth will help in avoiding any scratches on the surface. The screen will shine after using this trick.

2. Declutter The Files On Your Desk

If your desk is filled with papers and files, it can never look unsoiled. Arrange all the documents on your desk. Throw out reports that you no longer need. Use file folders and binders to store essential documents so that whenever you need them again, you don’t have to search in the thrown away files.

Keeping these folders will help clear up a lot of space on your desk. Keep loose pens, markers, paper clips, notepads and other small objects in a pot on your desk. Use a desktop file sorter to keep everything in place. Keep checking the notes on your monitor and throw reminders that you no longer need.

3. Desk Drawers

Most of the times, we stuff our desk drawers with anything possible. The drawers are generally stuffed with many unnecessary items. Throw out all the clutter that has been collected in your drawers. Small things like binder clips, staples can be seen everywhere. Also, take away the personal items that you don’t use at work.

4. Conference Rooms

You may not sit in the conference rooms for whole day, but you use them regularly. Cleaning meeting and conference rooms makes the mood stress free and relaxed. Cleaning these rooms is equally important. Wipe down the conference table using sanitising wipes. Clean the whiteboard using cleaning solutions. Keep all chairs well organised.

5. Printer Stations

The printers get cluttered with all the daily activities performed there. We leave many printouts on the printer station itself. Throw away the stray prints collected. Make a scheduled cleaning routine for clearing the printer stations.

6. Virtual Cleaning

Along with the office space cleaning, virtual clean up is also imperative. Make a routine of weekly virtual cleaning. Organise your desktop- while working we don’t care much and save a lot of files on the desktop. Clearing out the desktop is important. Consider changing the background too.

Email box– our email boxes get cluttered with a lot of unimportant and spam emails. It gets difficult to figure out the critical emails, hence organising the email box is also useful.

Back up- There are many cloud storage options available today. Hence taking back up is easy nowadays. But still, we don’t do it regularly. We must keep it in check. Hard drives too should get update regularly.

7. Garbage Bins

Taking care of garbage bins is imperative. If you don’t tend to it, it can spread germs in the environment hence leading to unhygienic working conditions. Also, make sure that you have separate bins for paper and eatables. People usually eat at their desk and keep wrappers here and there. Make it habit to dispose of them in the dustbins only.

8. Task To Employees

Everyone will have to work towards the cleaning routine. You can achieve a clean office only if all the workers work towards it. Making a routine for the whole team and following it on a regular basis will help in making your office clean always. Assign a task to each employee on a weekly basis. Give them tasks to check that the assigned work is completed on time or not. It will give a good chance to the employees to participate in the cleaning routine.


Keeping your office clean is very important. It not only lifts up the mood of the workers but it can also affect the business. By following few simple tips, you can achieve a new sparkling clean office again. If you feel that you will not be able to follow a cleaning routine at your workplace and your workers don’t have this much of time then taking professional assistance is better.

If you are looking for expert cleaners for Office Cleaning in Brisbane, then get in touch with Bond Cleaning in Brisbane today. They are well experienced in cleaning homes and commercial spaces. Their green cleaning techniques are effective, and they work very well. They are affordable and have the best quality services.