7 Dirty Spots You Probably Miss When Cleaning

cropped image of a woman wiping a switchboard

7 Dirty Spots You Probably Miss When Cleaning

By : Angelina
Cleaning is one of the critical aspects that can enhance the overall look and feel of your living space, promote the hygienic indoor environment and bring positivity into your life. However, the process is beyond washing dishes, wiping down countertops, scrubbing off bathroom tiles. It is quite easy to perform big cleaning chores, but even the cleanest person in your house can overlook the smaller spots without realising it. There are some spots in your bathroom, bedroom and the kitchen that are often overlooked when it come to cleaning a house. These areas are dirtier than you might think. The sprucing up of every nook and cranny becomes imperative while preparing your rental property for the final property inspection. It is ideal to hire trained people who can carry out the ultimate end of lease cleaning in Brisbane for you at the best price. They clean according to the approved checklist that covers every possible area, including difficult-to-reach spots for your peace of mind. In case you are involved in a DIY house cleaning process, have a look at the 7 dirty spots in your house that you are probably missing. Keep these areas in mind and clean it thoroughly to ensure a spick-and-span look.

1. Exhaust Fans

Professional end of lease cleaners in Brisbane clean the room from top to bottom. They cover everything from an exhaust fan to floors and carpet.  Dirt particles, dust and other debris that built-up on the fan of your exhaust fan needs to be cleaned at least thrice a year. It is one of the neglected spots in your house that lurk millions of pollens, dust particles and bacteria. Make sure you consider it when you clean your house for the next time. First, turn off the switch of your fan and remove the cover. Remove dust using the brush attachment of your vacuum cleaner. Then, clean the fan thoroughly and around the motor.

2. Light Switches

Most people forget to wipe off light switches while sprucing up their home. It is one of the dirtiest areas in a house because everyone touches them and spread bacteria. If you want to keep germs at bay, clean and disinfect all your light switches daily using the best products. Remove dust and dirt from dry microfiber cloth and kill germs using alcohol-based disinfecting wipes. You can also use rubbing alcohol to drive out grime and germs from your wall plates and light switches.

3. Cabinet and Cupboard Doors

Cleaning kitchen countertops is an important task, but what about cabinet and cupboard doors. They also need proper attention because dust, grime and food spill easily find their ways onto cabinet doors. Do not forget to clean grooves and ledges in the door using a clean microfiber cloth. Prepare white vinegar and hot water cleaning agent to remove tough stains and grime from the shelves and door handles of your cabinets. Tip: Hire professionals for a thorough end of lease cleaning in Brisbane if you are moving out of your leased property.

4. Toothbrush Holder

An overlooked toothbrush holder is a breeding ground for harmful germs and bacteria. It collects grime, mould and other microorganisms on a daily basis. While cleaning your bathroom sink, faucets and mirrors, wipe off your toothbrush holder too. Clean it with white vinegar and baking soda and leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing. Make sure you do this at least twice a week.

5. Window Screens

Don’t forget to remove dust, dirt and grime from your window screens while cleaning your house. It is good to soak them in a bucket of warm soapy water. Leave it for 10 -15 minutes and scrub off with a brush to drive out tough stains and grease. Rinse them in clean water and dry them. Also, clean window tracks and sills using a multi-purpose cleaning agent. Clean your windows at least twice a month to keep dust and debris away from your house.

6. Behind the Wardrobe

This is considered as a hard-to-reach area or overlooked spot because you can’t move wardrobe or any other heavy item along. You can use a long and thin brush to get rid of a thick layer of dust and grime on the back of your heavy furniture like a wardrobe. Also, clean behind the skirting board to see the best possible results. It is better to move your furniture and clean behind it every six months or so. You can also hire professionals if you are at the end of your tenancy to secure your bond money.

7. Trash Cans

Taking out the trash regularly is not enough to ensure a clean and germ-free home. It is important to clean your trash can daily to get rid of build-up germs and bad odours. Use white vinegar, mild dishwashing soap and warm water mixture to clean your dustbin. Use a nylon-bristled brush to scrub off stubborn stains and build up food bits from edges and the bottom surface. Apply baking soda and leave it for 10 minutes to kill bad odours or apply disinfecting spray to kill bacteria and lingering smell.


Mould, mildew and bacteria can easily harbour in contaminated areas. If you are missing out these dirty spots in your home, you are only inviting severe diseases. Make sure you deep clean these 7 dirty surfaces in your living space on a regular basis. You can also hire a professional end of lease cleaners in Brisbane to secure your bond money without any stress.