Know Your Cleaning Product pH Balance

Know Your Cleaning Product pH Balance

By : Angelina
There is no rocket science behind keeping a house clean and organised. You need proper tools, effective cleaning products and strategies to tackle stubborn stains, grime, grease and mould. Choosing the right cleaning products or solvents can make a huge difference in maintaining a shiny and germ-free abode. Before getting into the process, it is good to know the pH value of household cleaners/solutions to decide what is right for your home. Professionals always use safe and sound products while performing a thorough bond cleaning Brisbane. They know the importance of the pH value of cleaning products. They know when to use an acidic, alkaline or neutral product in different situations when it comes to treating stains, grime, and grease. If you are sprucing up your home and don’t know much about the pH balance of different household products, have a look at the following guide:

What is pH?

The ‘pH’ means ‘potential of Hydrogen’, and the numbers on the scale defines the concentration of hydrogen ions in a water-based solvent. The pH is a value on a scale between 0 and 14. It simply indicates whether a cleaner is acidic, neutral or alkaline. A strong acidic product has 0 value and is ideal for removing rust stains, grime and lime. The pH-neutral products have a value of 7 and are super safe. For instance, Water has a pH value of 7. On the other hand, a strong alkaline product usually has a 14 pH value. These cleaning solvents are ideal for eliminating oil stains, built-up grease and dirt. Let’s unveil the pH value of Common Household Cleaning Products:

1. Ammonia : pH value 11 to 12

It is one of the most common ingredients in almost all traditional cleaning products. Ammonia is a highly alkaline substance that has a pH value of 11-12. This means it can work effectively on stubborn stains, dirt and grime spots. Ensure you keep the windows and doors open for proper ventilation when using ammonia-based cleaning products. It is good to wear gloves and a mask when applying these products on different surfaces. Tip: Avoid store-bought cleaners because these products contain harmful chemicals, such as ammonia, that can lead to various health hazards.

2. Chlorine Bleach : the pH Value 11 and 13

It is also an alkaline product that can remove hard stains, grime and dirt from almost all surfaces. However, Chlorine bleach is quite corrosive and, thus, requires proper ventilation while using it. Do not use chlorine on fabrics and natural stone surfaces. Also, wear gloves to keep yourself safe during the stain removal process. It is good to avoid cleaning blunders that can make your house dirtier. Using harsh cleaning products can also cause damage to the surface. So be careful. Tip: Bleach works great at whitening and eliminating oil stains, grime and greasy marks.

3. White Vinegar : pH value of 3

White vinegar is a super-affordable, safe and effective cleaning product that can help you remove all types of stains, mineral deposits and grime. This is one of the most common cleaning agents used by professional bond cleaners in Brisbane. It has a pH of around 3 because it contains acidic properties. However, you can’t use it on natural stone surfaces as it can cause damage to the tiles, marble and stone flooring or countertops. You can use white vinegar to prepare the all-purpose cleaner, such as window cleaner, toilet cleaner, shower cleaner, oven and microwave cleaner, etc. Add a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid and warm water to create a safe and sound cleaning solution. Tip: Always use diluted vinegar while sprucing up your home.

4. Baking Soda and Borax Powder: pH 8-10

These pH-neutral products can help you eliminate stains, grime, bad odours and germs from almost all surfaces. However, borax is more inclined towards the alkaline side- making it perfect for removing oil and dirt. It has a pH of 10, and that’s why it is not as harmful as ammonia and chlorine bleach. When it comes to a neutral cleaner, use baking soda, as it has a pH of 8. You can use baking soda on clothing, sink and faucets, countertops, and other surfaces to treat stains, grime, unpleasant odours and germs without causing any damage. You can baking soda and cleaning products with at least 70 per cent alcohol concentration to properly disinfect your house like a pro.

5. Mild Dish Soap: pH 7-8

If you want a precise neutral cleaning agent, use mild dish soap because it is gentle yet effective. The pH level is around 7 and can be used on all surfaces to treat mild stains, splatters, and grime with ease. You can add it to the multi-purpose cleaning agent to clean areas like the kitchen sink, carpet stains, windows, fans, cupboards, etc.

6. Lemon: pH of 3

Lemons are also very acidic and can be effective on drains, chopping boards and copper pots. Be careful when using lemons on natural stone surfaces and grouts. Lemons can help you kill bad odours and household germs with ease. So, must include it in your cleaning caddy.


It is imperative to know the pH value of each cleaning product before using it to remove common household stains and grime. Also, try to use products with a neutral pH value because such products are safe for the environment and human beings. This will help you achieve sparkling results without causing damage to the surface. You can also book a good company for high-quality bond cleaning Brisbane and get your full bond back without dispute.